
22 The CFM Report Back to School

I mentioned I was going to go to Law School well.. first some upgrading..

In this ridiculous short you get to see one of my first assignments that I actually submitted. I’ll keep you all up to date on my grades and how it is going back to school in 2023.

Yes that's right I'm actually doing a grade 12 course.


Here's my student bio:

Dear reader,After being a brat in school, skipping too much and being generally bored, I finally made it to grade twelve. I had missed a lot of school. I never had to take French because in grade 7 I said, "If you're taking strings out of school and I'm not going to learn music anymore, there's no way that I'm going to willingly sit through French." Enough was enough. Fast forward to the end of grade 12 after taking grades 10, 11 and 12 in a self-paced Pathfinders programming in one year. My English 12 teacher decided, "There's no way you retained anything." And so she refused to mark my final exam. She was promptly told to, "Eat my shorts." I was subsequently and expediently withdrawn.
I ended up in the oil patch, I was a pretty good welder so I turned into a journeyman. My coworkers kept telling me that I was too smart and I should go back to school but, I looked at school like some kind of psy-op.Long story short, after running my own welding company, three landscaping businesses, and an Architectural and mechanical drafting and design business, I am now the president of Groundwork Community Service Cooperative. I am currently a podcast host and suffering from some pretty wicked PTSD after a false arrest where apparently they thought I was some kind of international cyber hacking terrorist and was threatening Ministry buildings, boy were they wrong! Anyway now I've got a supreme court suit going against the attorney general and the RCMP and the King of England along with a bunch of other legal things… aren't they just fun! My ambition is to see if I can blow through this thing and get the pieces of paper so that I can go through law school to get the pieces of paper so that I can just do what I'm doing anyway(seems I've got a knack). I think that I will have to add it all into my CV at some point because, this really is a path. I need these pieces of paper so that I can show people that I know what I'm talking about before I do it. 
I figure I'll probably learn something along the way and that'd not be not too bad by me. Not too pretty bad at all.
My name is Cam and I'm 40 years old. I've decided I'm going to be 20 again. My partner has decided she's going to be the hip 20 year old girl running the coffee shop. Apparently I'm going to become some fancy hot shot lawyer that builds a Canadian charitable foundation for restorative justice and systemic reform because.. we got us some major issues here people. I mean hey we live in the best place in the world, as far as I'm concerned, but we could be doing a bit better and everybody knows it.So without further ado, I'm not going to be a brat anymore. I'm not going to skip school anymore, because I'm actually interested now. Because I see some of these things as necessities in my life path, which I didn't understand at all until I was probably about 26 or 27 years old. Maybe I am smart enough now to actually go back to school. This is my test run, this is my test to myself and the world to see if I, "I got this!"
I hope you enjoy your studies, peace out… yo


Podcast Host

Cameo Radio

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