Alert! ‘Easy Energy’ Gas Marketers hit the South Cariboo
Hi Wildflower,
LIVE ON SCENE here after an encounter with a ‘natural gas marketing’ company called Easy Energy. They have a salesman making the rounds to houses serviced by Fortis BC.
While it is not ‘a scam’ per se, they use high pressure sales tactics and will try to sign up people for Fixed Rate delivery of $7.50/kj which is almost double Fortis Variable rate. Historically, their rates are double Fortis.
You can try to call to negotiate the rate after the sign up period. We managed to test their Call Center and got them down to 5$ … before we told them to pound sand.
There is 10 days cooling off period to cancel.
Though, ultimately, one might question whether they actually want to participate with a company that is using shady practices to recruit and sign up your unwitting neighbors at double the cost of Fortis gas price?
Sincerely, Wildflower
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