Dayle Joins Peter : People for a Peaceful Planet
Meet a Wildflower named Dayle, of Ukranian descent, she joined Peter on the streets today to demonstrate about the conflict overseas. The art she had painted on her sign and her story carried a critical message.
Dayle is a poet by nature and this particular demonstration of hers intends to display the “fray” of society. The edges of her painting symbolize that “the fray” is happening and she emphasized just “how fragile the balance of the world is right now and how easily things can fall apart”. She told me a story about a Russian soldier from the perspective of the real lives around him. He was in the hospital and his mother called to send him a package, Dayle told me “he said ‘ma we are at war’ but he never told his mother he was already in the hospital and he died shortly after”. Dayle is seventy seven years old and full of interesting stories. Do stop and chat if you see her with her dove sign! Her Ukranian forefathers moved to Canada in 1905 and their family had 16 children. another interesting story was that her family hosted Korean exchange students, one of which has gone on to become a heart surgeon and leading medical researcher. There was some coincidence or magic at work because the story comes full circle when her husband traveled to Seoul to visit the students much later in life, while he was there he required medical treatment for a heart condition and received care and treatment in the center owned by the former students family! The student by then grown-up and thriving in his own medical practice.
A testament to the power of sharing life experiences. We continued a fascinating discussion about ancestry, family lineage and our guides and the importance of stories and connecting with people. We discussed current events from the perspective of the “lost Father” or the father wound. Looking in each other's eyes and truly listening with an open mind and heart we can begin to really discover something about another person.
The world is such a wonderful place, if you accept people at face value and you show them the respect that they deserve
Dayle had the trucks honking, many honked in solidarity with the message carried in her art. Its the little things.
Little Things. Real Lives. A Better World.
Keep growing everyone! Stay on the path. If you fall off, get back up, we’ve got to get this “peace” thing right this time around!
My conversation with Dayle got me thinking. Is it peace we are ultimately looking to achieve here on our one precious planet? If so what exactly do we mean by World Peace? Is peace simply the absence of militarized war? Or is it something else? And from there I thought about East Germany under the USSR. A place with no open conflict. No “war” that is. But what about when the narrative makes War into Peace and Peace into War? How do we rise above that basic level that leads to mis-understanding one's world? This line of thought had me realize, it’s not “the absence of conflict” that awakened souls on this planet are striving for, for that type of “peace” can be just as violating to the spirit, just as violent to the soul as Open Warfar or weaponized conflict. No, what the awakened heart seeks is Harmony. A harmonious co-existence, not without conflict, but with a balanced state of Governance. Justice and resolution and ways to overcome differences without scrapping uniqueness for conformity.
A state of being individually tuned in and in resonance with the Collective Spirit of the Earth-Heart Frequency. Head down to the Big Skiis this Saturday March 5th to participate in some harmonious activity! Converge at the Big Skiis at 9:30am for a Pancake Breakfast. The various activities will further explore the concepts of Harmony and we anticipate a large human chain being formed along the highway, a chain which is happening in solidarity all across our great land! See you in solidarity this weekend!