As the Convoy Movement begins to declare Victory ✌️ on masks and passports in so called British Columbia and Canada, the work of true and lasting systemic reformation is just beginning. Let the freedom convoy continue to say HONK HONK “make way for a future of unity among real people”.
At all levels- governments, the bureaucracy, elected officials and most institutions have betrayed and failed Real People in the deepest, most humiliating and egregious trespass against body Sovereignty. Where shall the people seek remedy? How will the trespassers choose to take their penance?
This has been an all out Mental, Emotional and Spiritual War. A war for the minds & hearts. Who controls the minds of the people can tune their hearts.
Divine Mind
Is it the Divine Mind of God/the higher power tuning one to the most beautiful Gaian Frequency of Earth? As exemplified by great teachers of the magisterium, the Primus example being Jesus Christus teaches of love so pure, one picks up their own cross to bear just as Jesus himself requested of his followers.
Mind Virus
Or is it the Mind-Virus tuning the heart to the fallen, non-Gaian frequency. That “other way”… a lie the human species has been sold over and over and over.
COVID-19 was but a test run...
The march towards the Great Reset has begun.
Let the propaganda begin:
Those of us who have survived this latest test and have not begun the transition to the Great Reset might find the passages of Job more relatable than ever.
Whats around the corner? Hyperinflation, currency destruction and more? But what if there was another option? Check out Episode 11 discussion about The New Renaissance, over on Cameo Radio.
Into the Fray We Go
Do you give the horse its strength or clothe its neck with a flowing mane?
Do you make it leap like a locust,
striking terror with its proud snorting?
It paws fiercely, rejoicing in its strength and charges into the fray.
It laughs at fear, afraid of nothing;
it does not shy away from the sword.
The quiver rattles against its side along with the flashing spear and lance.
In frenzied excitement it eats up the ground;
it cannot stand still when the trumpet sounds.
At the blast of the trumpet it snorts, ‘Aha!’
It catches the scent of battle from afar,
the shout of commanders and the battle cry
I hope for the majority in the movement it remains clear that we have not yet reached the calmer waters of a New Agreement (or “Covenant”) upon which to build a sustainable future for the generations to come (I’m of course referring to actual Gaian frequency blueprints for sustainable prosperity, not the false idolatry peddled by the NWO as sustainability).
For those firmly NOT taking the
Great Reset path (whom we often refer to in the Real Life Network as “the real people”) may they remain committed to the “Convoy to Freedom”. Among the chaos and even any internal conflict or subversive Agent Actions in the movement, let’s all remind each other, “a smooth sea never made a skilled sailor!”
Blue Pill
For the Matrix aficionados: there will be some from the Convoy Movement who will be tranquilized by Doctor Bon Bon’s model to drop the Mask and Vaxx Pass Mandates. These folks will be satisfied and accept this “Blue Pill” model. Back to sleep in the Matrix they will go!
For what are we if not witnesses of the Divine Mind. Witnesses of the miracles here on Gaia! Let’s hear them.
Green Pill!
These models encourage the individual to find purpose and meaning and work collaboratively and collectively towards the world we all know in our Hearts! The Gaia Consciousness I reference as being activated by God / Divine.
The following are models which I have personally witnessed miracles of leaps and bounds of consciousness!
The lost stories and works of Nicola Tesla and Free Energy. Check out the trailer for the Tesla Man of Light Series! An absolute Historical game changer for the Light of Mind.
The Ubuntu Philosophy beautifully captured as a model by Michael Tellinger in the One Small Town blueprint.
The works of Fredric LaLoux and his “Going Teal“ conceptualization of re-organizing people.
Ucadia Financial System or UFS. Coming Soon…
Wade Davis and his work around the Ethnosphere which is the combined traditions and stories of People. It is often in the rich diversity and depth of the stories within a community that we uncover the truth of who we are. We have much to discover and uncover in our collectives.
The divine is there if one chooses to witness … never forget those untold stories of our our brothers and sisters who left us too soon in the battle.
Choosing Wisely
Cooperation, Creativity and Compassion. We need the bridge builders now more than ever, the ones building, guided by the true Gaian frequency of the Divine Mind activating their
Not the fake, false narratives. Truth, Love and Light is not always a “feel good” experience … it is the grounded, take action, walk-the-path of Spirit; sometimes it feels more like a cold hard spear.
When we are out of alignment, too far “Red“ or ”Blue” … polarized if you will, the truth may not feel fluffy and warm. Tough love is the real deal bringing us full circle back to the passages of Job ... Truth is a cold hard spear bursting any bubbles of delision and doubt about who we are in the dream of the Divine Mind. When in step with it, the self-image dissolves into a higher purpose. Where it matters not JUST that you say or do the thing that appears righteous... but that your intentions, your heart is humbled before the glory of that which is truly greater. Witness miracles happen. Like this song which accurately mapped the whole thing before it happened!
The book of Job is the story of the destruction of Job's self-image. It can also be summed up as the book of human nature. His friends are unsuccessful in their efforts with Job because they perceive his condition as being the result of the sins that he has committed; what he is going through is just retribution for conduct that Job has managed to hide from others for many years. However, God's comments to Satan in Job 1:8 and 2:3 reveal that this is not so: Job is an unusually righteous person, as far as the conduct of his life is concerned. The problem is not what Job was doing but a flaw in what he was. His defect is not one of outward action but of inward thought, especially in how he perceived himself in relation to God, but also to fellow man. It is a matter of the heart.
When the Dreamer Awakens it will be to the world they know in their heart. And that will become the cross they bear.
And beyond ALL OF IT, Love Wins 99
Let the Convoy ride all the way to freedom and reformed Justice.
If its not clear as day here are a couple more videos
Still want more data? Here is a link to the publicly available research document produced by the Finance and Economics Study Team for the South Cariboo Foundation.