A year of being under a Protection Order with no reason given-by my youngest boy's mother… So many years of false accusations against me, leading to the MCFD acting on it - compounded by numerous Charter Rights violations by the RCMP including close range pointing of rifles at me. All culminating in a legal matter of such magnitude, my lawyer refers to it as Watergate 2.0.
The protection order expired today (May 19 2022). All the false allegations were dropped on May 6 2022. The Free Press inaccurately reported my case, Kelly Sinoski either didn’t take proper notes in the courtroom, made an error she won’t publicly admit or intentionally mis-reported. Having tried working with her, she doesn’t seem to care about the real life impacts of that work.
Conspiracy to convict an innocent man is a Crime in Canada. Will the Justice system take notice of it?
Guilty until proven innocent. Justice is upside down and backwards.
Almost a year later (May 19) I was exonerated, all charges stayed. I was falsely accused, held at gun-point, jailed and contained in my home for no reason. At the source of it vindiction from my ex-spouse and ex-business partner turned lovers. Now, absolutely no basis exists to deny my boy any contact with me except vindictiveness. Yet they do, despite an order to have - at the least - a phone call with my boy.
Still nothing.
I miss my son.
Nothing left but for me to press for the courts to expose the deepest levels of corruption that were used against me. Perhaps, somewhere at the end of it all I will be able to hold my boy again. Maybe one day, the conspiracy to convict an innocent man (which goes all the way to the Chief Judges office) will be noticed by the people, instead of the mind fodder peddled by the Free Press. For example, what was recorded by the Court Recorder as a BB gun was published as a “handgun” in the Free Press. No formal retraction. Sloppy, lazy or criminal reporting. You decide.
This is my story. This is my life.
“Forest Grove Man”