July ... A month of sunshine and heat in the South Cariboo! A time to “make hay while the sun shines”…
While there was little to no hay at Hot July Nights there was plenty of Horse-Power. Hot July Nights 2022 was a huge success in 100 Mile. Of particular interest to the general public was the Sunday Show & Shine.
Highlights of the Show & Shine: *370 vehicles *5000+ attendees registered in the single entry draw *Shoulder to shoulder crowds *Exuberant & pleased attendees from across Western Canada. *Raves about the Friday & Saturday Events especially the Poker Run
Suggestions from the crowd for next year :
“There were so many incredible dogs that it would be really fun to host a Mini Dog Show”
“Some of us kids thought the idea for a Bike Show & Shine section would be really fun!”
“Everyone seems to agree we need to quadruple the size of the Sunday Breakfast for Hospice!”
People loved mingling , eating breakfast to support Hospice and oogling cars right on Birch Avenue. So much so that the number of people completely overwhelmed the breakfast station! Everyone unanimously agreed they look forward to next year.