In Just Two Years? Finding Justice
With the recent global freedom movements impacting the worlds highest levels of government, The Canadian Senate will review the emergency's act. The Senate has adjourned until Monday which, gives us this Saturday to have a really good BBQ!
Some Local Events in the South Cariboo, such as 100 Mile barbecues and outdoor hockey games! I'm not sure about a bouncy castle insurrection but, would be nice to see, should be fun.
Check here for 100 mile updates
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The Senate adjourned until Monday to review the introduction of the emergency act that was introduced by Trudeau (and most of his cabinet who have been captured by the World Economic Forum) to penetrate the so called Canadian “Democratic” Government.
I know that everybody will make the best of this weekend. There aren’t any indications of malice, mischievousness or unchecked aggression that could create the conditions needed for law enforcement to begin to use excessive force. Peace man
Reports of force from the east under the boots and hooves of the police have been coming in all day, while other people are reporting complete unity and solidarity as a people.
The Convoy for freedom in Canada has swept around the world, catalyzing people in almost every nation.
The clear message to people today is to work together to set aside differences! To maintain faith, love and unity, it is in that unity we will continue to find peace.
It was in November 2020 that 100 Mile House had its first ‘Rally’ for Mental Health Justice, which was quickly re-branded and targeted by the RCMP and Free Press as an “anti-mask protest”. The RCMP were busy trying to identify the “organizer” so they could slap them with a $2000 “Covid ticket”. I attended the second event and I remember it well. Made some new friends there that I still have today. But the truth of the matter, while the Authorities were busy looking for someone to fine, there never is an authoritative “organizer“ of these spontaneous movements.
Same as here:
We’ve sure come a long way from Covid “speeding tickets” to “frozen bank accounts“!! Something to be proud of! On Wednesday my online bank accounts were paralyzed. Couldn’t do anything.
There were a lot of good people at these early rallies, some of whom have lost touch with each other and with the common ground that originally brought us all together. Some friendships were formed and some friendships were lost for what in my opinion are absurd divisive reasons.
I spoke at the second rally about the impacts on mental health and community unity that these authoritative measures create. Well over a year later, I see that we are on the brink of BOTH total division and of complete unity, in all of our relations.
We have all come a long way, some folks are bound to repeat mistakes and to learn from harder lessons, whereas others will simply learn and grow.
And then there are our fallen brothers and sisters. The folks that have not been so lucky in resilience.
For myself I have had very good times and very hard times with these issues, it has taught me much.
From the rally two years ago until now. I have been working to develop a new Foundation in the South Cariboo. That project is in fact, the basis of this website (The Real Life Network).
Today I see the importance of what I have been working towards. As it begins to come to fruition just as the tension among the people reaches new highs. How many in Canada are currently worried about a barbecue, hockey games and a parade of unity? How many agree with the condemnation that it is terrorism?
We seek as a people to be free. And what is freedom? It is the opportunity to resolve our conflicts in order to live our lives in peace. Yet, when faced with a broken system we continue to ask the de-facto government’s permission to do so?
Do we lack the knowledge and the willpower (and sovereignty) to achieve this without question? If we had the ability, people would not be rallying for freedom or driving the biggest convoy ever into what is looking more like an excuse to execute martial law.
The work of The Foundation may offer a solution. I am not alone on this work although there are not very many of us undertaking it's incredible journey. (currently it is a Trust and as it grows it will become a Foundation)
I have been blessed to have incredible partners in this process, some of whom have taught me hard lessons and some of whom have stood by me faithfully in the gravest of times. It is to overcome these challenges that, I know that we all can.
The Foundation is a project which aims to establish and restore the Spiritual Essence, the nature of the people within the Cariboo. It‘s values are compassion, trust, love and abundance. It’s goal is to establish a jurisdiction where sovereign independent people can co-operate and co-exist in harmony, regardless of their religious or other beliefs.
The binding power of the Golden Rule of Law holds everyone together in treaty. The treaties are designed to end war and to reduce suffering.
We, and our ancestors, were sold a story of our “beautiful free country” and of a “free and open democracy”. But how true is buying that when the original inhabitants couldn’t even vote until the 1960’s? Is that a functional democracy? And political party “democracy” (rule by the many) is not the same as Direct Democracy.
Its unfortunate, that those who sold that story of “freedom” were the very people who aided and abetted in the erosion of land rights and title across the board through genocide. And ultimately the desiscration of the cultures and society.
To ask the very same systems that have become so top heavy and out of control to “atone” has become impossible, irrational and absurd.
Rather than looking to the overly centralized and corrupted power in Ottawa, we are are now presented with an opportunity to centralize the power in OURSELVES and to cooperate in unity with one another despite our differences.
To maintain all of our relations in good faith and to act honorably and with integrity is tantamount to survival in this New Age.
The old addsge “one bad Apple can spoil the lot“ turns out not to be the case when everyone has the power to “pick out the bad apples” so to speak, and restore Justice in their own communities.
Rising above the culture of “complaints” towards injustice and dismissed grievances is what I am getting at. An environment where a single person may hold an ordinary session of law to bring people to account to their own codes and actions. That any individual could could do this with the force of all Heaven and Earth.
It may sound fantasiful - but it is not. Ecclesiastical law is a system derived from the Divine and the Divinium or Divine Mind. This is the root of all conscious creation, including law and justice.
We are beginning to see this in action as as these convoys spontaneously rally, not so much to ”fight” but to speak to the so called “Leaders” of that system and bring about conversation, does this seem to be going well or does it create the condition for martial law?
Ultimately, the point I'm making here is there is another option, it is very grounded in the Golden Rule of Law it provides a Foundation into the future for all people of this great Earth.
“Your kingdom come, your will be done, on Earth as it is in Heaven“ Mathew 6:10.
That we may unite without needing permission from the defaulted bureaucracy.
I would love to go into more detail and explain this to people in a tangible way and so I will. I will work to produce a series of podcasts and educational material that should remain digestible to the public, so simply put that a child could fully understand. Children innately understand Divine Providence, that is until they are programmed by the systems that were designed to control their lives.
Currently, I am asking that people bear with me and with us while we bring this Foundation online, and then into physical form. We do need members and it's a lot of work toward restoring justice.
The first book is 570 plus pages but it is a full education in Ecclesiastic Law.
Stay tuned as I dig in and feel free to join me!
Here is the Telegram link to the study group: Telegram