Musings at the Marsh
Every day won't go as planned. Do you know what? I kind of like it like that... My body has been processing the major changes happening in my life, asking me for more rest lately. I wasn't honoring her.
Today I found myself sitting here, in the middle of town, hanging out with the birds in the marsh. An unplanned meeting. As I write to you, 6 of them are swimming directly in front of me, while a group of a few hundred circle the pond. One little black one has decided he's my homie, just hanging out closest to me, checking me out.
I took a pause for a moment when another little human bean walked by. An elder. If you know me, you know the joke. I sure love my "old folks". We asked each other how the day was going, shared some of this sunshine together. Bob moved here a few years back. He likes it here, especially all our waterfalls. We talked for a few moments, shook hands, and wished each other a beautiful day.
That it is. A beautiful day indeed.
A little cold. We're still just hovering around 0 in the peak of the day, usually, dipping into the freezing temperatures again overnight and through the morning. But the wind feels good. The sun feels good. The handshake felt good. The air feels good. I could find a 1000 things to complain about in this moment. A 1000 worries I could claim. But what's the use? I surrender to this moment.
To this beauty. This humanity. To sharing a lovely chat with a stranger. I hear the calls of the birds. A horse neighing as it's trailer rolled by. Not too much traffic. I surrender to my senses. To my faith. I feel Love. All around me, and within. Even when it hurts. Even when I'm not my "best" and feel like I could sleep for days. There's a trick to this life thing, you see. It starts with you and me. A moment to breathe. And so it is always a choice. Always a blessing. If you decide to look for yours. With Infinite Love & Understanding, with Light,
Raven Brook Raven is a writer, practitioner and “seer” living in the South Cariboo. She asked us to publish this story. Check out her work in the Metaverse on her Facebook page.
Unfortunately, in the end, Raven was not pleased that her request was fulfilled.
The RLN promotes Conflict Resolution as a keystone of cooperative networks. As long as one lives within in the local collective there is always a seat for them at the Round Table. We wish Raven the best of luck with her endeavours and would love to work with her in the future in the real world, outside of the Metaverse. Corresponding Public Apology issued here.
Disclaimer : The RLN & Village Voice does not promote use of the Meta, it has proven to be a divisive, destructive community force and does not support the health of emergent local community networks. Unfortunately, its is one of the many “matrix feedlots” which exist in our local collective and many get stuck there on their Journey. Meta means post-life, or death. Beware the death cult - be vigilant. As always, raise awareness. Thanks to the people working tirelessly inside Meta to raise people up and out.