Rise of The Fringe March 12th
Another slow Roll event seems to be emerging! We have pulled together all of the details that we have found and that have found us through the Grapevine.
Love him or hate him, heads up Sunday the 13th Chris sky will be speaking in Williams Lake at 2:00 p.m.
Most important, our awesome little Village and Bio-region stands in solidarity and unity finding freedom as it is to the individual in a collective.
All are welcome, we hope that everybody can participate and share their way and continue to enjoy their unique perspectives together.
stay tuned as contributed updates this week will show here:
This was yesterday in Victoria, BC at the legislature! Peak attendance was over 7000, and people came from all over the province, including Prince George and Kelowna. Some of the truckers that were in Ottawa were even there! Can you hear them yet John Horgan and Justin Trudeau?
Here is another beautiful poster produced by a community member.
It seems that Cariboo Warriors is promoting a mailing list for local activity! Hop in there for exclusive information in your email updates!
(we do not promote fighting its someones slogan...)
Here is another awesome submission from local convoys!
We will get you a higher resolution image when one is sent in.
Here is another article submitted from Kamloops Mar 9
an update from Chris Sky
One of the fascinating aspects about unity is, the organic creation of a collective from seemingly Divergent methodologies or perspectives. We have continuously witnessed the convergence of people even when some of them are at odds. Movements of people, without much coordination, have popped up organically in every town across Canada.
a wildflower-
Here is a recent clip of the 176th
The Village Voice keeps it’s focus local, yet it is worthwhile to note this is a solidarity event across BC where the awakening is very active!
While the rules of the events are not dictated a the roles are not directed, people naturally flow into their most useful and meaningful position. It is all quite fluid, most individuals seem to have a curious heart and mind and simply love the fact that people are coming together.
It's a beautiful display of power vs force (an excellent book by the way) and a wonderful opportunity to make new friends and learn more about how you can engage with the awakening wave and new energy on Earth.
One thing is for sure, those that come out, always end up having a good time!
The volunteer kitchens and the convoys of people no matter their size always find a beautiful equilibrium of entertainment, curiosity and Collective growth towards unity. It is evident that we humans have a lot to learn and there's really no better medium to do in than at these happenings.
A recent clip from the Victoria Parliament Buildings
Posters, Tick Tocks and all sorts of amazing stuff has been submitted to the RLN as Notice in The Gazette. These events like so many others continuously bring people together and now we are very happy to say that we are able to bring you a wider vantage of what's going on around our small community of 100 Mile House.
Being on Scene to witness these events and moments and interact with so many people has been a true blessing.
Feeling Vocal?
Cameo radio will be live on scene this coming Saturday and we want to hear from you! We're going to have an open mic where people can speak their peace on whatever they'd like.
Come give us an interview and get your spot for the open mic. Looking to evolve your story? need a sounding board?
Get in contact with Cameo radio, we can help you get your message out there.
Not feeling vocal?
The Village Voice Gazette is open to wildflowers like you who pop up all over the place! We live in a diverse bio-region and the atmosphere is vivid, your stories matter and your experience and perspective is valuable! We want to hear from you to help you share your journey.
just hit the chat button in the bottom corner and we will get back to you!