Supply Chain Ecosystem
North American consumption, is it an economy or a racket? Either way it creates consumers out of people and those people are fed up.
What is Sustainability Really?
With most of our supplies coming from overseas and across the border, here in Canada (and much of North America) people are concerned about the sustainability of these systems. Meaning, is it based in reality, will this unlimited exponential growth continue?
Local manufacturing of a diversity of goods is a rare occurrence at best in a community. Typically, in order to even manufacture something a company relies on products and componentry that is not from the community, and more often that not comes from overseas production.
The reliance on overseas production has created a dependence on shipping. These systems have been incredibly impacted by various global forces .
Backlogs of ships have been a major issue. As consumer requirements increase so must port and transportation infrastructure and systems. With the onset of covid-19 it didn't seem to matter the scale of shipping infrastructure systems, the shut downs created backlogs. It seems now, 2 years of COVID response and policies have resulted in dysfunctional shipping and transportation systems. This upon an already complicated dependence on imported goods.
Here's an article by freight waves outlining one of the current shipping issues that will continue to impact North American markets
,FreightWaves SONAR data shows ocean carriers rejecting more than 34% of container (TEU) bookings from Shanghai to the U.S. up from 12% on March 15. Rejections for China overall are about 20%, indicating capacity is much tighter in Shanghai. Lower capacity will likely put pressure on rates once throughput picks up.
More: ,HERE
We could circle these issues infinitely as there is an overwhelming amount of data indicating that the issue is getting worse. Alternatively, there is an overwhelming amount of data showing how local economies and the local ability for production of goods and food could
very well be the path to maintain our current quality of living and provide better qualities of life for people.
Join the global movement to build resilient local economies and flourishing local communities. Take action with the tools and resources in this guide.
More ,HERE
There are many obvious steps to creating thriving local economies and better systems for people and living systems.
Eco-logy & Eco-nomy share the same root ECO which means : “household”, “home” or “place to live”.
There are many obvious steps to creating thriving local economies and better systems for people. Harvard business review conducted a study of what it takes to create thriving local economies.
This is what will be required if we don't want to go backwards in progress or to a pre industrial - agrarian lifestyle. This is how we begin to overcome the issue of foreign product dependence. Global level consumerism and trend following empties our shelves at the local level.
More ,HERE
The dependent market on foreign production is impacting auto manufacturing, computer sales and also medical supplies, just to name a few.
Speaking of medical supplies, our hospital systems have been systematically losing functionality since the Health Regions like Interior Health took over control. Check out our upcoming Village Voice article, available - HERE.
It is in fact up to IS to restore justice in our communities. In order to do that we have to work together, beyond our petty conflicts. We have to rebuild our local economies and potentially our local institutions if they continue to observe absurd rules that make upgrading into functionality for contemporary existence near impossible.
There are a only a few basic requirements for human survival, but I think we can all agree survival is not really good enough, we need to thrive!
People need food, water, shelter and companionship. Simple. These three basics, once met, allow us to begin to unlock our potential. It remains questionable if these three basics are currently being met? Most people have to work a phenomenal amount of time just to maintain these basics which take them further away from their home, family and friends (companionship) - the places where development truly occurs.
How long can one put off their own well-being in the pursuit of money just to fulfill basic needs? Many people who work jobs that take them away from their homes and communities do so in an effort to escape that very issue. Making more money as a means to an ends becomes a self-fulfilling and perpetual cycle.
"I will be free of this job in a few years.."
It is the aim of the Real Life Network to collect and communicate solutions on a local level!
What is happening currently:
People are beginning to develop initiatives to address some of these issues. From a civilization starter kit to a better educational model and different organizational systems for businesses and government organizations. These are potential small changes in orientation to the current systems of operation, they undeniably have big impacts.
The civilization starter kit as an example, gives people an advantage that they have never known. We can produce more local goods faster using simple technology in a way that has rarely been utilized in our current culture.
Montessori based learning has another example, has been around for over 100 years and is far superior to the Prussian education model. The question remains why are we still utilizing the Prussian model when we know we have a better system? Would you prefer children to have a better education?
Going teal, an example of a shift in business management and organization. Rather than having a boss that you have to go to for approval and wait for the harrowing stories of bureaucratic incompetence to come back. You're the one in charge and all you have to do is seek some advice from someone with expertise and from the people impacted by your decision and then make your decision. The only catch? You accept FULL responsibility! Why do businesses create gatekeepers between the employees and the resources they need to do their jobs - typically identified as a fiscal responsibility to shareholders. If you could just say I need this or that and your boss brought it to you, your boss wouldn't really be a boss anymore, more of a coordinator - as an example.
Another issue is the hospital system. This is something that is not totally reliant on foreign import or trade as much as it is reliant on nurses and doctors. Nurses and doctors are people and can have a very hard time pulling a 36-hour shift because a health authority has made that normal? Are they trying to burn out their employees? - can teal models address this problem? There is an incredible community care organization called Buurtzorg which has already broken ground in this field.
Do you like having an emergency room with staff who are functional? Might you agree that having resident physicians whom are responsible to the community just as much as the community is responsible to them, is a beneficial model? If we let things keep going the way they're going we likely won't have a functioning economy or functioning medical system in the very near future. Can we all support each other if we’re in survival mode?
In order to address these issues we literally cannot just write articles about them, we need to hear back from you. If you or someone you know has expertise in any of these applicable areas and has something to say, please get in contact with us or get us in contact with them.
We intend to hold more forums and conventions to address these issues and to develop more effective systems approaches.
Initiatives will be launched and it is very important that this information reach people on the community level as it develops.
We are looking forward to working with local organizations and governments to decrease our reliance on foreign systems and increase production and support systems at our local levels.
Enough of the doom and gloom scenario and the hopeless dependence on someone to save us. It's time to use solution based thinking and to bring what you have to the table - one person can make a huge difference, your voice matters.
Talk with us about what it is you're passionate about, so that we can make sure we all have a better tomorrow, think 7 generations.
We have an important mission: listen to the story of Turtle Island, also known as North America