Tyranny vs. Evolution
The Government of Canada, a tyrannical organization? Or a subservient protector against Terrorists? Certainly an obtuse entity quickly losing its footings.
Some knew the end of “endless growth for profit” would arrive ... Nobody knew what it would look like.
Here is a rundown of events as they unfold, we do have a solution to end the tyranny by design but it is up to just-us to claim justice! freedom is the prize.
Trudeau on the not withstanding clause Jan 4, 2022
At first glance it is hard to believe that Trudeau says this. so much so that the authenticity of it seemed questionable … except these also exist:
,Canada's Deputy Crime Minister Chrystia Freeland
Do these words brand people who gather or support protestors, by way of financial contributions, as “Terrorists”? What’s the end game here?
When terrorism is perpetrated by ,nation states, it is not considered terrorism by the state conducting it … making legality a largely grey-area issue.
Wiki -
The Foundations have fallen out from under society and we are all like Alice falling down the hole yelling: “Double Plus One!”
These front line folks are not stopping now. So what next? they look like they know what's coming.
Whatever your take-
The survival of the species depends upon people communicating and working directly with each other, shoulder to shoulder in solidarity, unencumbered towards the healing of the whole planet for the future. Startrek, not Terminator!
This is the key to the future of human organization and holocratic systems.
Unique perspectives matter. People’s untold stories matter.
Understanding what is going on amongst a geographic collection of people, away from the Corporate owned news and the alt-spin-narrative … (you know “the conservatives will save us”) ... is critical.
So Nu’s flash!
police drill for incursion
”They” won’t save you. They is a dying concept.
The system is on a one way ticket to collapse. How are you working with your neighbors to make sure everyone is prepared to survive and thrive? or will we keep asking the corrupt to do better?
everything seems fine
even when it's obviously wrong.
and days later .. 22-02-18
"I just took that video, that horse crushed that lady's head! That horse just killed her!"
Frontline eyewitness accounts currently have a tally of seven fatalities at the hand of the corrupt militarized federal police. 7pm Cariboo time.
how quickly it turns to a police state - even before the emergency's act is in power.
Justin Trudeau will go down as the worst prime minister in Canadian history! There's already been a life lost at the hands of police brutality.
We will stay on top of this Evolution as it develops!
We must not fight them.. we must work together as Justice is up to just-us..the oppressive power will never change and as it wars it will never surrender.
Who Can Possibly Help Us? Where is our saviour?
Indeed? We all seem to know the system is broken, but how much do we know about where that system comes from or how it operates?
The Primate of the Anglican Church of Canada would have an interesting perspective on this. Church of England sanctions the State by way of the Crown.
Did you know since 2013 it has been Forbidden to hold the position of Office of a Queen or King? No wonder none of the Windsor kids want to take over for Granny!
Stay tuned to learn more about the fascinating aspects of Ecclesiatic Jurisdiction!
Turns out justice may be up to just-us! should we say that again?
And WHO is this US?
Well, that’s You and Me and Divine Providence.
Check out Podcast Episode The Big Lie (31:11sec.)
Driving to his yard for a good round of honking won’t convince a puppet to change the course of the puppet masters great work. That would be like throwing sticks into a river and expecting them to travel upstream.
!what a clown!
Working at the Local level will be the only sovereign solution.
Stay Tuned for Updates
a Wildflower -
This post was previously compromised, could it be the content, happy to say it's back up!