In the quest to uncover the truth of what's going on at the 100 Mile Food Bank, we had some solid conversations with the Association of Food Banks BC. The folks there were very clear about what their policies are. We were able to speak to a representative from the 100 Mile Food Bank (Amanda) who took the issues submitted by people to the Real Life Network seriously. She was quite surprised and interested to hear what was going on and had never had any kind of feedback from the public because the information never makes it past the front door to the people who need to hear it. This seems to be a common thread and issue for many organizations in today's age.
Since the story about Bias at the Food Bank in the last edition, the latest report is that things seem to have not really changed but they haven't gotten any worse. The 100 Mile Food Bank is still giving out food to folks indiscriminately, unless of course Dan decides you need to wear a mask or don’t deserve as much based on whatever his particular criteria are. So there is still a Grand Master at the door, and everything that he says is law, which doesn't seem right and is not what Food Banks BC suggested the policy ought to be at the 100 Mile Food Bank.
The Village Voice is endorsing the Loaves and Fishes Outreach (north end of 100 Mile) donees and participants who are able to support this compassionate organization can contribute food, clothing, time and prayers to help them keep doing good work.