Mask Mandates will soon be lifted to ease public sentiment in an attempt to thwart the catalyst of the Convoy movement. A small victory for humanity, a sacrifice to quell the uprising of the people. I say its only the beginning and not nearly enough.
Convoy protests are going to end when the mask and vax passports are lifted, signaling the success of the convoy movement. People will begin to disband. This is our opportunity to catalyze towards the solidification of the foundation to maintain the continuance of the social and societal evolution and movement.
The dropping of mandates may feel like victory, however the war is far from over. The war has been waged against us, the people. It is up to us to continue to become United and become less and less dependent on a corrupt government that declares itself our masters.
We have shown in our communities and with convoys of freedom and unity and peace that we will not be conquered by tyranny. We the people may again gain our liberties when they drop the mandates for masks and vaccine passports. These mandates were never constitutional or necessary from the beginning, anything but lawful. The Government must be held to account for the dangers that it continues to subject people to and the damages it has caused. The soaring prices of fuel and food are just one example of how we are still being strangled. Perhaps some people will breathe a sigh of relief and at least some fresh air without the fear of retribution for doing so with a face uncovered. Where will the Convoy of freedom and unity bring us next? Who has been working diligently on alternative solutions to the current despotism? Who in the government and positions of trust and authority can we actually rely on? It is my opinion that the government needs to be overhauled completely. The world economic forum seems to have taken control of at least half of the ruling cabinet of Representatives that are supposed to be managing the country by the word of the public and their oath to do so.
Corruption still runs amok and has run too far for 150 years in this country. How far does this freedom Convoy have to go to truly understand freedom and unity and sovereignty? Why are we continuing to turn to the same government? We the people are uncovering the true roots of human governance! If we continue moving in this direction we will truly unlock it for all people for all time, making government an antiquity of the past.
It is up to us the people, to find justice, stand on your hill, carry your banner and work towards unity! This is my hope for us all.
On the 19th of this month people will come together United under the banner of unity. A leaderless modality of organization that has naturally emerged. What Banner do you fly? What are your colors and creeds? We must continue to unify despite differences we are one people.
This is, The New Renaissance.