What happened to the yellow pages?
link to: Episode, 004
Is the Facebook Empire effective at organizing society at a local level. From plumbers to handymen to egg producers to book clubs, do these platforms effectively network people? Do you know who is the closest egg producer to you?
This episode is about overcoming Globalist forces, including the incredibly taxing challenges of the META (ie; Facebook) trap (Meta means death by the way)
We talk about better organizing a network at a local level.
Facebook can connect people in other countries or towns or across the world in like minded “groups” (which it also deletes on a whim) but how often does it actually connect you to somebody right down the street who has the best muffins or jam etc you never knew was available to you? Beyond the basic necessity of clean air and water (which this network is not ready to tackle as it’s first order of operation haha) we all need food, products, services, connection, art and we need other people in order to meet these needs.
When that level of connection happens on Facebook (for example) it’s the exception, rather than the rule.
We all have something that we do but do we know what somebody else does?
We often hear it’s “hard to meet people” or is it just hard to connect with them around what they do?
The Real Life Network tackles this challenge, but it’s also so much more because it is a Foundation.
-What is community? Common-unity, WE ALL LIVE HERE and we all need to eat, we all need connection and we all need things we are passionate about.
-Remember the adage think Globally, Act locally? Well we’ve been duped! The dupe stops here!
-We’re acting GLOBALLY - based on the whims of this GLOBAL corporation. Which has us constantly desperately trying to think LOCALLY to overcome the inertia.
What have we lost in society that we still need? How about local community networks and indexes of services and goods. YAY that’s The Real Life, you need a jar of honey and I just need a cup of tea and good conversation so I have someone to give all my extra honey to.
This episode was recorded live in the South Cariboo at The New HQ
Featuring Dani and yours truly Cam here on Cameo Radio!
get tuned
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