I have been nominated in the Municipal By-election and it’s not the first time. I ran for council in 2018 after being nominated, that nomination and campaign brought about a lot of change in my life - in ways I could not have predicted. My first platform was Facebook where I created a page ( you can see it here ) as all to often Facebook has become the avenue for most people, I am happy to say since I began on Sub Stack it has proven more effective in reaching people and telling the story.
More choices? Message me:
Recently I have been featured in the 100 Mile Free Press along with the other three candidates, here are the links:
Enhancing community infrastructure top priority for Cameron McSorley
Dave Wishnowski who wants to champion youth voices
Marty Norgren who looks to bring pragmatism to 100 Mile House council
Lori Fry seeks to make the community more inclusive and accessible
I have a story to tell and I have a lot of questions from people to answer. to facilitate this ongoing discussion and process I have created this article ( June 6 2024 ) which I will keep up to date - check back weekly to watch this process evolve.
(June 7)
If you intend to vote and wish to do so by mail, the chief election officer will make a mail ballot package available for you.
Email: Sheena Ellis @
Or pop over to the district office at
385 Birch Ave.
Your voice matters and your vote counts!
I've been asking a lot of people what matters to you in your town? The biggest response is from the youth. Overwhelmingly I am told “there's nothing to do”
Just about unanimously everybody else says the water quality is so poor it resembles a light brine. “I'm tired of replacing my fixtures and hot water tank"
Tonight I get to go to the all candidates forum at Creekside Senior Center, it should be an eye-opening and informative glimpse into the concerns and hopes of the 100 Mile House citizens.
Let's just be totally clear about the options here. Dave and I are focused on all generations..
June 8th
Here's a recording from last night's all candidates for him we're only 25 people showed up. It would appear that voter apathy is it an all-time high either that or people don't even know.
I was shocked by some of the lack of responses by the other candidates.
Here is the full recording, I know it's a bit long hold tight and I'll get you some of the highlights!
I went down to the park today, great presentation by strong start and a whole bunch of organizations in town focused around the youngest members of our community. After leaving the park we encountered teenagers on bikes who complain that they don't have a bike park even though our Mayor & Council assure us that they have built one. Somewhere? Where is it? Too far away is the answer... Kids need a drivers license and two vehicles to actually make use of it … How are the trails we asked them? The kids say that “it's useless and they want nothing to do with it” one commented “you can't even ride on it”.
Also there is a skate park which is going to be torn down because it was built so poorly so long ago that it’s a hazard to anyone who uses it. Who are the people that put this catastrophe together? One thing is for sure, nobody asked the people that would USE it if it was a good idea! Maybe that should be a top priority? Maybe that shouldn't even be a question? Asking people who need services about how those services should operate?
“If your Town doesn’t have an accessible Bike Park or Skatepark your town becomes one”
100 Mile House is probably the largest bike and skate park in the Province! Even a town of only 526 households like Kaslo has a skatepark…
Oh look no designated Park so here are the bikes in the towns bike park …
Carrying on through the heart of 100 Mile House down Birch avenue we found that about half of the main retail stores are closed on Saturday (and Sunday) which meant 100 Mile House very much appeared to be not open for business when we went shopping! There's way more of a story behind that which I'm sure I'll get to you soon enough. Want a hint? Kingsgate excavating!
One of the things that came up at the all candidates forum was the question of “why don't they follow their bylaws?” What a vague question! Who are “they”? The district themselves? There's a bylaw in town that no campers or boats or trailers are allowed on your property. It's not enforced because frankly if people didn't have campers and boats and trailers they wouldn't be able to do anything in this area. There's nothing to do in this town on a Saturday. No wonder this town is dying. And that's not my opinion, one of the oldest counselors in the district has said to me in the past, “if anybody knew how close this town was to death…”
100 Mile is not experiencing “growing pains” it's experiencing a death shutter. We don't need fossilized crypt-keepers running the board of directors for the District. We need people who are going to make this town (THIS REGION) come back to life we need to recognize that the state of 100 Mile House is almost a Provincial emergency. Not to mention the corruption! That's a whole other story and I'm sure you'll hear the rest of it..
Here is a clip from the CBC Daybreak episode where they interviewed the four candidates.
Jun 12
Early poles are open for voting and the Free press has released their article.
Also, CBC featured interviews with all of the candidates this morning on Daybreak with Shelley Joyce you can listen to that episode here (approximately the last 20 minutes of the show)
Read that article HERE.
At the moment I am headed down to the municipal office to see how voting is going. Wow 70 people!
June 13
Yesterday things got pretty busy with the advanced voting happening. Lot of questions - lot of interest and a lot of people walking around in town. Had some interesting messages from people who are rather concerned in the community. You see 100 Mile House is not open for business and there are a lot of people who want to know why. People who have run business in this town for 25 years no longer see it as viable although the businesses they own still are. The district also just shut down the local campsite for the summer which seems odd to me? Who needs tourism anyway! Why bother having a nice little campsite by the creek?…
Another issue of concern was the recent 6% tax increase for the municipality
You can read that article here.
By expanding the recreational boundary and the tax base of 100 miles residence can enjoy more amenities and more functional town. There are a myriad of ways to increase revenue for the town without burdening the homeowners. The closure of businesses in the area and the vacant storefronts on the main drag are a sign of the times, what a drag they are. Also the closure of the campsite in town signals a further degradation to the local economy. I firmly believe that this town requires more advantageous resolutions to be proposed to counsel to deal with the dwindling economy and the increasing taxes. Issues of existed for more than 30 years in this community without any solutions being proposed. The resignation of Ralph from City Council signals a greater change that is coming. The old ideas it didn't work lead the saying ‘we've tried that”. I would say you haven't tried anything else or at least haven't found the effective measure required to address these issues. We need to increase the economic capacity of the area while being responsible to the needs of the community. Once these issues are addressed in a meaningful way we will see 100 Mile start opening up for business once again however, we might need to see a total generational change of leadership in the community before that happens. I Cameron McSorley, represent that generational change, the change of attitude and direction that this town needs to pull out of the downward spiral it has been in for so long.
June 16
Today Sunday, what an interesting last few days it has been. I conducted some polling in one of the most contentious Facebook Community groups possible here in 100 Mile House. Rant and Rave with approximately 7,200 members is a great place to get feedback on all sorts of issues positive and negative. I asked the community at Large what their priorities were and they answered! One of the things that I expected to happen in fact did. The end cam now movement spoke up about as loudly as they possibly could. I only had three people trying to deliver some pretty brutal sucker punches but it wasn't that bad? Most of the community stood up with great questions awesome conversation and very productive input. One thing always remains true, if you stand up and are seen and try to do something in the world you will be attacked for it there's no doubt about that but, the attack wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. It's always the same little group of hecklers, no need to worry. I find that problems are often self eliminating and that turned out to be the case. After that problem disappeared attention seemed to go back to the matters at hand being Community development initiatives, healthcare resources and the overarching identity of 100 Mile House and the South Cariboo. Quite a few people have said I should run for mayor, and that might not be a bad idea.
I've had the thought that I should go door to door and indeed that is a good way to talk to people although it's also annoying when somebody comes to your front door wanting to talk about their political campaign that they want your support in.. well I wondered if that might be the right approach I had people come to my door and tell me that they were pledging their support and not just them but entire communities of people seem to be interested in a campaign of change. Expanding the recreational boundary and the tax boundary would change the face of the area. Overwhelmingly people seem to be in support of this unless of course they have something to gain by maintaining the little nepotistic cabal that has strangled this area for 35 years. I don't know who they all are but I'm pretty sure they support the end cam now movement..
Some of them are professionals, some of them are well to do real estate agents who own large portions of town. Aside from that people who live normal lives and are interested in the community that they live in seem to be pouring their support forward. It's certainly an interesting journey.
Here's a quick look into where that pole is at in rant and rave.
It's a bit of a long shot - punny - it's interesting to see where people are at. And one thing to consider is these people don't all live in town. But they utilize Town enough that they have an opinion and they will either rant or rave about their experience.
It's my intention to run an analysis on this information and find out how many of these people live in town where they are coming from what kind of demographics we're looking at and get a little bit of a better assessment of what this area holds as opinion.
Although I am very interested in people's opinions I'm also very much interested in data-driven approaches. We need to be able to answer the concerns and demands of citizens along with their needs in a realistic manner. Some people say we need a pool and other people say 50 million is too much I stand against pool! Who says we need a 50 million dollar pool? I intend to answer these questions with realistic solutions.
Here is an excerpt from Thomas Sowell’s book, Basic Economics, Forth Edition - a common sense guide to economics..
This information is quite relative to the 100 Mile housing market.. we are seeing housing prices driven up, beyond what might be sustainable levels due to the “cash-out” of City Dwellers moving to the area. One of the other candidates is square in the middle of that unsustainable market increase and proposing that it will stabilize the tax base..
Maybe it's just my opinion after researching economics but, I don't think that an unsustainable solution will stabilize the tax base…