In the last episode we introduced the concept of “the victimhood” and the phenomenon of the drama triangle.
We have to conceptualize it so we can “see” it and make the point to say “there is actual abuse that happens in the world!!” … like we saw in the skit on the last part, it’s a most favorite tactic of an abuser is to deny the victim and or the victimhood
On this episode;
Looking at the victimhood at the legislative level
Bill C274 - Canadian Federal Legislation
Nationwide changes to the criminal code.
Society from a federal level
Frank Caputo and Bill c274 - an act to amend the criminal code
Will Franks new model be effective in the lives of Real People? Or should it go CaPUT-o
Sets the story in motion
The words of Frank
I tabled my first Private Member's Bill,C-274,An Act to amend the Criminal Code (detention in custody) on May 19th.
This Bill would create a "presumption detention" for those who are accused of three serious, separate offenses with a maximum penalty of five years or greater.It would target those that commit serious offenses and gives judges discretion to release when there are exceptional reasons.
Recent court decisions have changed the landscape of bail by making prosecution for breaches more difficult and by making detention awaiting trial exceptionally rare.
Municipalities and residents of Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo have clearly asked that crime be addressed. It's time we give law enforcement the tools needed to protect victims and keep the public safe.
This has had significant impacts on law enforcement and put serious strain on policing resources.Kamloops RCMP Superintendent Syd Lecky recently stated that approximately 5% of all offenders are creating 90% of their work. This is partially due to prolific offenders being able to frequently re-offend for the same crime while awaiting trial.
Frank Caputo, M.P.Kamloops-Thompson-Cariboo
Caputo's mail campaign.
Is he asking for input? Or, Is he broadcasting a narrative?
Frank Caputo says “the victims need to be protected to keep the public safe”.
Who ARE these victims? Everyone!
The dangers of incarceration on accusation.
A potential of 5 years in prison on remand.
On accusations alone…
Allegedly targeting Repeat offenders awaiting trial.
Persons with multiple accusations
Anyone who has experienced suffering through accusations alone knows, accusations do not necessarily have to do with evidence.
This political narrative obscures the truth of the situation.
What is the model? Nationwide legislation because “Kamloops demands it”
In order to “protect victims”
Why can’t Kamloops deal with the social issues leading to all this supposed crime?
This system aims to detain the accused for upto 5 years as they await trial.
Canada's national conviction rate was 61% according to stats Canada 2019-2020
meaning 39% of all charges are dropped or stayed.
Increase the incarceration rate, but not reduce the conviction rate of innocent people.
Is this bill based on a false narrative?
What would be the motivation?
Who stands to gain?
Budgets for Law Enforcement increase…
Budgets for Prisons increase.
Use of fear tactics - coercion
It’s not obvious at first glance, that this Bill falls squarely into expanding the Victimhood. But it does!
The truth is there. But there are barriers.
People’s involvement in order to listen to understand EARS TO HEAR
People’s education to know EYES TO SEE
people’s real experience to have wisdom
The false narrative is the easy path
People don't have to be involved to have an opinion (eyes closed)
People don't have to do research because it's handed to them
People with first-hand experience are often vilified
What happens to the people who end up being detained for up to 5 years on accusation alone?
Create MORE CRIMINALS in con-collage
Test - will People see what is actually being advocated for?
Reading between those lines from OUTSIDE the Victimhood.
Bigger prisons - check
Bigger law enforcement budgets - check
Nationwide reform based off the so-called demands of Kamloops People.
Those proclaimed Kamloops issues are irrelevant even 200 km away…
Enemy - Who are the people that support this Bill?
Stand to profit
Gain or maintain power
Fulfill a political agenda
People who: What about people who are actual victims of the political agenda
Check out more on this on the podcast security and emergency systems episode 19.
Mentors: The people who have been victimized by the guilty until proven innocent system
Criminal Defense Lawyers
WildCard!! - Media. Either enemy or ally.
“Fake News” = vilification, victimization & saviours vs “People’s Stories” = creators, challengers & coaches
Test - Learning from History
Non theoretical models & political narratives
Test - the reality of the situation
Stay tuned for episode 3!
Allies -
There are not any yet
Just through its first reading
Political opposition
Wildcard - Can the Political Opposition even be considered an ally?
Two wings of same bird.
Mid point
SKIT - phone calls to people in "kamloops"
On the 3rd part we will be looking at the tools tactics and truth of what’s happening locally in law enforcement
Stay tuned to get tuned into that!
What happens to the people who have suffered false allegations?
An undeserved trip to con-college & Institutionalization
The perpetuation of crime and victimhood
Are you a victim simply by being a member of the public?
Do you need to be protected from these villains? (40% found innocent)
Criminal behavior IS a challenge
Increasing remand sentences will increase criminality - not decrease victims
In fact this will likely create more abuse of power.
The paradox is addressed in the root issue
instead of increasing incarceration we should hope to increase social fabric
Increasing systemic victimization doesn't solve anything.
Instead we say - we accept that criminal behavior is a challenge.
We need complete legal (conflict resolution) system overhaul / reformation.
Resident Judges… Resident Law enforcement.
We have in-fact outgrown the status quo as a collective.
Frank wants more people to set-up shop in the Victimhood.
Increase prison population, Increase law enforcement budget
Maybe Frank himself lives in the Victimhood? Or he may actually believe with personal conviction that what he is proposing is “helping
Or maybe he profits from it in some way?
This is what the Victimhood does, through it's people it wants to expand… create more “real estate” and “shops” to keep people down in the hood.
We as a people as a society need to stop the expanding “guilty until proven innocent situation”.
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